Our Strategies

Private Equity

The private equity platform currently totals approximately $18 billion in Assets Under Management1 across four closed-end funds. Centerbridge consistently looks to back strong management teams to effectuate operational improvements and other value-creating strategies that grow their businesses in responsible ways.

Private Credit

Opportunistic Credit

The credit platform currently totals over $19 billion in Assets Under Management.1 Employing an active investment approach across private credit and related strategies, we seek to identify instruments and assets that have been either overlooked or misunderstood by the market.

Centerbridge Insurance Solutions

In 2021, Centerbridge initiated a partnership with Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company and Barings Asset Management (“Barings”) to start a new annuity reinsurer called Martello Re. Together with Barings, Centerbridge will serve as the investment manager of Martello Re, building upon our credit capabilities.

Real Estate

The real estate platform currently totals approximately $4 billion in Assets Under Management1 across two closed-end funds.

Since the Firm’s inception, approximately $12 billion has been deployed in real estate investments across three investment types: properties, companies and loans & securities.

Our Investment Approach

Our Philosophy Unifies Perspectives Across Private Equity, Credit And Real Estate And Applies Them Across Sectors And Geographies.

We believe this integrated approach offers us a differentiated capability to flexibly navigate shifting market conditions, which is at the heart of how we create and preserve value.

Core Investment Sectors









Real Estate

Real Estate

Select Private Equity Investments2

Centerbridge Private Equity IPS Corporation
KIK Consumer Products
Specialty1 Partners
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1. As of December 31, 2024. “Assets Under Management” or “AUM” is an aggregation, for those investment platforms managed by Centerbridge (including related co-investments) that had been activated as of the reporting date, that reflects:
  • For funds or other vehicles within their term (as extended, if applicable): Net asset value plus unfunded commitments
  • For funds or other vehicles that as of the reporting date have reached the end of their term (as extended, if applicable): Net asset value
  • More specifically, in the case of other vehicles (e.g., a separately managed account, standing or single investment co-investment vehicle or continuation vehicle):
    • Separately managed accounts, co-investments and continuation vehicles are attributed to the relevant strategy responsible for sourcing the investment (e.g., private equity, real estate or private credit) based on Centerbridge’s determination
    • In the case of Martello Re, which is managed by both Centerbridge and Barings, AUM represents the fair value of the relevant portfolio assets within Centerbridge’s remit
  • Leverage may be used by certain Centerbridge funds or vehicles. In the case of funds, committed leverage is included in the reported AUM. In addition, as CBO and CLO platforms in which a Centerbridge fund is invested incorporate leverage within their capital structures, the AUM for CBO and CLO strategies is inclusive of such leverage. In the case of CBOs and CLOs, the fair value of the assets held by such vehicles (gross of leverage) represent the AUM for such strategy.

2. Investments presented in the “Select Private Equity Investments” section represent select investments made by Centerbridge’s private equity funds. The specific investments identified are not representative of all of the investments invested in, purchased, sold, or recommended for the Centerbridge funds, and it should not be assumed that the investments identified were or will be profitable. Each Centerbridge fund’s holdings are unique to it and a function of the facts and circumstances in effect with respect to such fund, including its investment and harvest period. For a full list of investments classified by Centerbridge as Private Equity* investments (excluding designated investments**) please click here. Investors may request additional information.

*Refers to investments made by Centerbridge’s private equity funds that involve the Firm holding a controlling-interest and/or substantial governance rights. Excludes investments that are not classified by Centerbridge as Private Equity investments, including various credit and other investments. Also excludes investments classified by Centerbridge as designated investments.
**Refers to investments for which the identities have not been disclosed in light of confidentiality considerations identified in the governing documents of the Centerbridge funds.